Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Just Rambling

Things have been rather slow chez Al B Here. The semester has begun and I’ve been to my first two classes. I think it’ll be nice to have a regular routine, once I get accustomed to the consecutive 13 hour days on campus. I’m still working away on the MA application package. I managed to secure my references and even dig up some old, graded papers while I was home. THAT was a genuine surprise, let me tell you!

I dug through some plastic storage bins in my old closet and came out with a couple of ‘A’ papers from the days of my youth. I didn’t reread them because I was sure I would start critiquing my old work. And what good would that do? I wonder how surprised the selection committee will be when they see a writing sample from 1997… that was back before anyone even considered using online resources in essays and research papers!

In the interests of accountability, I thought I would post some of my goals for the New Year. No, they’re not resolutions. Resolutions are useless. So here’s the first one: buy a notebook and start carrying it around. Morgan has been hounding me about this one and he’s right more often than wrong (as we learned during a Totally 80s Trivial Pursuit game), so I’m going to give it a shot. Second, I’m going to make a more concerted effort to get to the gym. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are a complete write-off, because of my courses, but that leaves 5 other eligible days. My goal is to get there 3 times per week. This is actually part of a more general goal, which is to live a healthier lifestyle. I won’t give up anything, per se, but I’m going to seek a better balance in my life.

I think that covers everything for now. Wait, no. My final goal is to get back to posting some witty commentaries sooner than later. Til next time…

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At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some guy named Ernest Hemingway used one, a notebook not a gym. Point made or shall I continue?

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some woman named Mariel Hemingway used one, a gym not a notebook. Point made or shall I continue?


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