Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One Week from Today...

Looking at the calendar today, I got a wee bit nervous. At this time next week, I'll be down at the Musique Plus building on rue Ste-Catherine doing my long-awaited interview with a VJ. My close friends already know which one got selected by the "Powers that Be" in PR down at the station, but I think I'll leave the rest of you in suspense for the moment. In terms of the interview itself, I've been debating back and forth whether I should do it in French or English. On the one hand, I'm pretty confident that I could pull it off in French. The main problem would be transcribing it here for my audience. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to alientate my readers from the great state of Texas, who seem to take a fair amount of joy in cutting me off at the knees when rating my blog.

Yes, dear friends, ol' Al still wants to entertain the broadest audience he can, despite the obvious limits of the subject matter. So for all you cattle ranchers and oil barons out there, who really don't give a damn about Quebec or Quebecois culture, I'm going to do the interview in English. Truth be told, I'm also too lazy to do the additional translation if I included both English and French versions, so I'm still being self-serving while accomodating you folks. The Al in Al B Here isn't short for altruistic by any means.

Now in terms of the actual content, I think I'm going to try and keep it light. Sure, there's always the temptation to ambush a celebrity (no matter how well known) with some sort of bizarro world question, meant to completely embarrass them, but I'm sincerely psyched up about getting a chance to do this. I'm not going to repay the opportunity by pulling some low class stunt. I've done interviews in the past, but this is certainly the highest profile person I've had the chance to sit down and talk to... who knows how many times I'll get a shot at this. Better make it count, right? At any rate, it's something to look forward to. Til next time...


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A posting on site housekeeping and now a promo on an upcoming interview. Keep blazing those literary trails... y'all.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear not my do-gooding young squire, the mechinizations that those far south of the 49th cannot stop your rise up the blogging ranks. I will keep a trusty and vigilante watch on this site too ensure those pesky texans do not get too out of hand. Remember what Captain Canada says, take your vitamins and drink your milk, and know that a lb of bacon and 3 pepsi is not something one should should have as a side order with le petit dejeuner. Vers le haut de, vers le haut de et loin!

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been your usual productive self this week in terms of literary output. Couldn't you find some time at work to do some blogging?

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Al. It's me, your Blog, speaking. I'm hungry. I'm very, very hungry. I need nourishment. Feed me. Please, please. Getting weak. Can't... stand... any... longer.

Time of death: 8:59 a.m..
He had a good life. Not many blogs live to see their 4 month birthday.

This is exactly why we wouldn't let you buy a hamster. Where's your next posting? I hope it's another gem about women.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm positive you'll have absolutely nothing to worry about ~ your interview will go great.
Best of luck! Can't wait to read about it ;)


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