Monday, August 21, 2006

Lucie Laurier's wardrobe malfunction

I'm beginning to think I've got the lousiest luck in the world. Okay, it's not really that bad, but I was a wee bit perturbed at the timing of the latest wardrobe malfunction to hit. Sure, it's not on the scale of Janet Jackson's epic Super Bowl flash, but in light of the recent internet release of Lucie Laurier's nipple slip during a Musique Plus interview, methinks my chances of scoring an interview avec la belle comédienne have been reduced from slim to none. Apparently the clip in question never aired, so some Musique Plus employee is bound to get in a heap of trouble.

I had contacted her agent via e-mail last week (before I had even heard about the clip) to see if I could set something up, but I've yet to receive any response. Admittedly, it was a long shot, but I figured it never hurt to ask. From what I read, she wasn't scheduled to start shooting her next project until September 10, so I thought I might luck out and get something scheduled. Now that this clip has been aired, I doubt she'll be doing much in the way of interviews til she's ready to promote her new film. Bummer.

I've seen a few of her films now and I've enjoyed her work. Oh well. Better luck next time, eh?

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At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe you're single Al.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has quite an impressive body of work...

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hasn't it become a bit cliche to compare any problem a woman might have with clothing to that contrived display by Janet Jackson? And isn't grade 7 over with?

I guess Lucie Laurier's cup is now Al's holy grail. Get that interview big guy. Discounting the silliness over her Musique Plus "appearance," that's talent.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Al B Here said...

I haven't seen any of her American B-movies. No seriously, I haven't. But I've enjoyed her Quebecois films (though I've only seen 3 now). Apparently she auditioned for roles that eventually went to Penelope Cruz during her stint in Hollywood.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Outerworlds said...

Lucie Laurier is definetely gorgeous. I liked her role in "La grande séduction". She has that "Je ne sais quoi" that attracts men to her and I am attracted to her.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Al B Here said...

Agreed, Spidey. Though it was really a bit part, they had her around just enough to make both the character of Dr Lewis and the audience say, "Who IS that girl?!?"

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, celebrities get offended when a flesh spot jump out of their clothes "without being paid for"...

Let me call a cat, a cat... SHE IS GORGEOUS! These "incidents" are part of many big events or interview. I understand why she's kinda mad about the station for having one of the staff steal the "removed section" tape but we can easily find picture of her completely naked on the net. These screenshots were picked from a movie she made with actor Eric Roberts few years ago called "Stiletto Dance".

Damn, she's so beautiful... And she's mother of a teenager too!!!


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