Friday, January 12, 2007


I noticed a spike in my traffic today and since I didn’t post any links to gratuitous nudity recently, I found this to be a bit puzzling. So off I went to check my handy sitemeter and found the source of this new activity. It seems I’ve been “tagged” in some sort of game of blog tag by a columnist for Le Journal de Montréal named Jean-François Codère. You’re right, J-F, I had absolutely no idea that you stopped by to read my little blog, but I welcome visitors from the Francophone community. I expect your readers were a wee bit surprised to find largely English language content on my site when they followed the link. Anyway, perhaps you can point me in the direction of other aspects of Montreal that I’ve yet to discover.

Alright, out of respect for J-F’s link, I’ll play along, as well. From what I’ve gathered, I need to come up with 5 things to post about myself that aren’t exactly common knowledge. Hmmm. That may be tougher than I’d have thought as I’ve been pretty open about most things on here. Alright, here goes:

1) I have a fairly unnatural fear of squirrels. It’s subsided over the years, but I still don’t like the wee rodents. When I was a young lad of around 5 or 6 years old, I was chased around a playground by a (possibly rabid) squirrel. I have no idea how I managed to escape the little bastard unharmed, but since that time I’ve been afraid of them.
2) I have no idea how to ice skate. I had fully intended to learn, but the only time my parents took me out to skate, my mother hit some sort of edge on the ice surface and broke her leg. We just never went out to try again. If some petite québécoise wants to teach me, then I’m more than happy to learn!
3) I’m not a “cat person.” I prefer dogs as household pets.
4) I started watching curling in the 1990s because I thought Kim Gellard was really hot. Now I actually have an appreciation for the game. No, really. I do.
5) I’m half newfie. Both my grandparents on my mother’s side were born and raised in Newfoundland. I’ve never been there, but I think it may be nice to visit sometime.

That covers it, I think. I’m sure I could put something more scandalous down, but I’ll leave that for another time. As for the tagging of other blogs… hmmm… I suppose that Phil Renaud could put down something interesting. Let’s add Chris to the list, as well. Til next time…

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At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"5) I’m half newfie."

Anybody willing to take a guess as to which half?


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