Monday, February 12, 2007

An Open Invitation to Quebec Sovereignists

I spent the better part of this weekend (and by better part, I mean pretty much every waking hour) doing a combination of translation homework and watching the first two seasons of Veronica Mars on dvd. Yes, I’m a wild man. No doubt about it. Anyway, when I checked my e-mail this morning, I found a rather interesting letter in my Inbox. It seems that my little ol’ blog has caught the attention of a couple of sovereignists and one decided to drop me a line with some links to some English language resources about the topic of an independent Quebec.

As luck would have it, I was already familiar with the earlier versions of the sites mentioned, but that got me to thinking. While this is not a politically oriented website, nor do I intend to make it one, I do believe very strongly in open communication and the promotion of understanding between people of differing viewpoints. So keeping that in mind, I’ve decided to open up the floor for discussion. I would like to take this opportunity to issue a formal invitation to sovereignist readers who, for one reason or another have stumbled upon my site, to submit articles on why there needs to be an independent Quebec.

I’m not concerned with whether it will actually happen (I prefer to let the future sort itself out) or whether Quebec could survive on its own as an independent state. I’m more interested in why you feel the way you do. Any submissions, whether they be in English or in French, will be posted here unedited, though I reserve the right to divide submissions up into multiple parts if they’re on the lengthy side. Articles will be attributed to the pseudonym of your choice and I will not disclose the e-mail addresses of any submitters. Articles may be submitted via the handy e-mail link that I've posted on the upper right hand side of this site.

I like open and productive dialogue and encourage discussion amongst my readers; however anything that I interpret as malicious or hateful will not be accepted nor posted. So take this opportunity for what it is: a chance to communicate your ideas to a largely Anglophone audience who has an interest in Quebec. Til next time…

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At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in hearing a sovereignist's views on cutting off the Maritimes from the rest of Canada.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Sovereignist, and to answer ":-P. Master", what's wrong with that? Alaska isn't connected to the rest of the U.S.A¸, french Guiana isn't connected to the rest of france, a part of Russia named "Kaliningrad Oblast" is located under Lithuania.
With Internet, telephone, etc. I don't think it would be a problem.

I have 3 Question for any federalists.
First: why do you want us to stay so badly with you within Canada since we are a poor province with too much depts and since we cause so much political problem to EC (English-Canada)?

Second: how do you think we feel when we are called "SEPARATIST" by our OWN prime minister?

Third: What do you think about newfoundland brought in Canada after 2 referendum and only 52% of the votes? and now some federalist want the vote to be 60% to leave the federation.


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