Wednesday, August 30, 2006

School's In

As I watch my daily traffic continue to increase, due in no small part to the mere mention of Lucie Laurier and the overplayed “nipple slip” fiasco, I would like to take a moment to thank all those who have been kind enough to actually read some of my entries here. Though I know most of you are here looking for the now difficult-to-find video clip, the fact that some of you are spending a few minutes to check out my writing gives me hope that my audience will continue to expand and diversify.

So all that being said, what’s new with ol’ Al? Well, school has now officially started here in Montreal. It blows my mind that high schools, elementary schools and CEGEPs are already in session. Back home in Ontario, we don’t start before Labour Day. Did I already mention that this province can be backwards sometimes? I suppose that there’s something to be said for easing the kids back into the routine, but for my taste, I prefer to just jump right back into the fun.

Despite not being a fulltime student for the past several years, I can’t help but feel the yearning for a new academic session to start. No doubt the influence of a decade (give or take) in the Purple Prison back in London, Ontario. I like academia. Beats the hell out of corporate life, that’s for sure. The money isn’t nearly as good, obviously, but I always liked learning new things. My experiences in the corporate world have shown me that learning stops outright after the first 6 months in a given position. From there, it’s a waiting game. Most large companies have HR guidelines that limit the amount of movement employees can make within the corporate structure. They further complicate the policies by employing staff from temp agencies.

In academia, there’s always a chance for a fresh start. A new year brings new classmates, new professors, new material… and chances are pretty good that, once one reaches the post-secondary level, that the courses are more in-tune with one’s particular interests. Sounds good to me! I’m all about pursuing my own interests. I’m still hoping to do graduate studies at some point in the future, by the way. There’s something appealing about having the title of “Master,” wouldn’t you say?

All in due time, I suppose. Til next time…


At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Works for me.

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J'ai pas lu tout ton article mais je peux dire "I'm a Master". Appelez moi "maîtresse"!

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've known him for quite awhile now, and I can say this much: forget "master"; he wants to be able to say "call me daddy!"

Crap, soon I'll be able to say both.

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Blogboy, write something already. Entertain us.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say this for Al, he's like that cat in Dazed and Confused...he keeps getting older and they keep staying the same age.

Question: How do the Quebec ladies stack up to ones from back in L-Town? Nathan will be going to school in 18 years, so I need to know where to send him to get some quality tail.

Heck, if he goes to Quebec, he can at least use you as his wingman!

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Al B Here said...

I would highly recommend that your son spend copious amounts of time here in Montreal. For further evidence, look no further than the picture I posted of my friend, Valerie, during my entry about the Women of Quebec to see what we've got up here. Though I must admit, Western has a whole lot of hot women roaming around there.


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