Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Raymi versus the Politicos

I must admit, I’ve been watching with a certain amount of glee as Raymi’s rabid readership tears apart at least one blogger foolish enough to question why she lost to Raymi. I’ll freely admit that my blog is far too mundane (by Raymi’s standards) to be acknowledged by her, and I’m fine with that. Her blog is pretty much an assault on the senses, with a wild colour scheme, tonnes of photos and a chaotic writing style. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, you either love her or you hate her. There doesn’t seem to be any fence-sitters.

If I’m forced to choose between Raymi and some political blog, I’m going to choose Raymi every time. Well, maybe not every time, but close enough. These people spend SO much time pontificating in their own little corner of the blogging universe that they don’t recognize their blogs for what they are: completely self-absorbed and meaningless. It seems to me that the only readership that these blogs attract comes from like-minded individuals. I’m sure there’s the occasional traffic from Liberals on a Conservative blog, but really, no one is going to convince anyone else to switch their affiliations or world views based on what’s written on a blog. All it does is provide some sort of mutual admiration society nonsense for these folks to reinforce their own perspective.

So let’s put blogging in its proper perspective: it’s self-expression. It’s a creative outlet. It’s entertainment. It also satisfies voyeuristic tendencies. But don’t for a moment think that it imparts any greater knowledge or enlightenment onto the world. Kudos to Raymi and her legions of fans that continue to knock these arrogant bastards down a few pegs. Good luck in Round 2 of the Canadian Blog Awards. I hope you win the whole damn thing. Til next time...

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At 12:29 AM, Blogger Saskboy said...

The extreme view that minds are not changed by blogs, isn't quite the truth either. Sure most people won't convert when they read something on a blog once, but all entertainment has an affect on a person. And some blogs are about information, and information REALLY affects people's perceptions of the world. Don't underestimate the power of blogging, while politicos overestimate it. The truth is somewhere in between.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Al B Here said...

You have a point. I shouldn't be dealing in absolutes since there are exceptions to everything. That being said, I've noticed that the political blogs do carry with them a sort of self-importance that information blogs don't. And that was my point.

At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...a stream of consciousness blog."

Did you really write that?
I guess that's not the most ridiculous thing anybody has ever said in hopes of seeing some chick's bare breasts. Close though.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

:-P master my blog IS stream of consciousness, it has been stated many many many times before and duh, read it. emoticons are for losers by the way.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Al B Here said...

Alright, play nice, folks. From what I've read, Stream of Consciousness can be defined as: A literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur, so I stand by my description of her blog. Though I suppose I could also have said it was a "whatever comes to mind while writing" blog. Whatever the hell it is, I'd still rather surf through it than the political ones.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's no Kerouac.

Gee, I've been called a loser by someone with a diagnosed mental disorder. Ouch.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Herehere! I'm not famalier with this gal's blog you're discussing, but wanted to concur with your asessment of political blogs. Your observations on blogs and blogging in general I agree with as well.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

bipolar is not a mental disorder, in actuality my brain works faster than the average, almost too fast and actually i AM a kerouac, thanks.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manic phase Raymi?

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Raymi Lauren said...

regardless, it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.


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